Sunday School

Sunday School at 11:00 a.m.

Sunday School is held after worship service while the adults are in Bible Study. Children are divided into groups according to age. Volunteer teachers teach them Bible stories, lead them in the Christmas story portrayal in front of the congregation, teach them Bible songs and help them participate in other activities. Our mission is to discuss and explore themes in the Lessons and Gospel from the Worship Service in order for our children to have a greater understanding and context from which to grow their own personal faith. At this time, we have a group of pre-school children and one of 6-12 year olds. Newcomers are welcome!

Please contact Betsy Taylor if you are interested in having your child attend or want to help in any way.


Other Support Available for Children & Families During Sunday Worship:

Nursery (located in the basement) available Sundays 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

We welcome and encourage the participation of children in worship. But if your little one needs a break, childcare is available on the lower level of the church from 8 a.m. to noon. The door to the lower level is just past the entrance into the sanctuary.

Activity Packets available in the Sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.

Children's activity packets are available from an usher to assist your child during worship. These include coloring pages, crayons, and activities that relate to the theme of the day and can be discussed later with the family at home. Ask an usher for one anytime you are in the sanctuary for a service.